10 Helpful Resources for Web Developers

Yes, there are books, and tutorials, and classes and downloads. BUT, who has the time for all that? Here are ten quick resources for web developers for those things you just don’t memorize or keep printed out. There are so many sites to sift through but these seem to stand out. Bookmark these sites and […]

11 Tips To Getting a New Website Up NOW

One of the biggest road blocks to getting a new website, or an existing website redesign up and running is just taking that first step.  Below is a list of eleven idea generators and quick tips to get you started on that new awesome website that you SHOULD have had by now or revamping that […]

WordPress Child Theme Development is Like Making A Sandwich

WordPress Child Theme Development is Like Making A Sandwich As I learn more about the powerful tool that is WordPress, I find that even web developers can say “mazel tov” when tweaking their site code. We’ve all heard of parent and child relationships for menu items (ie, drop down menus have submenu items called “children.”) […]